In this digital age with countless banking apps and digital wallet solutions to choose from, one could be forgiven to think that managing our personal finance should be as easy as relaxing on the beach with a favorite drink in hand. The reality is, however, this task can sometimes feel like trying to climb Mount Everest with one hand (one thumb? 🤳).
Traditional banking apps are usually slow and clunky and do not always behave the way you expected. On the other hand, most digital wallets have the tendency to cram the screen with endless rows of buttons, links, and flashy promo banners, making things cluttered, overwhelming, and extremely difficult to find.
At Ting, our goal is to provide users with intuitive and easy to use tools that help users manage their personal finance effectively and effortlessly. We designed Ting for simplicity and optimized for speed and efficiency by continuously experimenting, learning, and improving the product based on what works for our users and what does not.
Here are some of the things we do to improve your overall experience with Ting.
Hassle-free signup
We understand your time is valuable and have worked hard to optimize the registration and e-KYC process to make opening a new account a breeze. Just confirm your phone number, snap a pic of your ID, and...you're done! Your wallet will be up and running in no time at all.
Once your account is verified, you can order a Ting card directly from the app, pick a delivery address of your choice and open up the possibility of making payments everywhere in the world that accepts Visa.
Less is more
Cramping more and more options to the screen is not always the best solution to showcase all the power and possibility of an application. Honestly thinking, how many times a month do you actually need to use that "pay the electric bill" option? Why does it need to be the first thing you see every time you open up your wallet?
We promised to keep things simple, and have made a conscious decision to limit the number of elements on the screen at any given time to make space for those that are the most important to the task at hand. You will find that with Ting, functionalities, options, and relevant information will surface contextually to avoid overwhelming you with endless buttons and make things impossible to find.
Controls at your fingertip
Simplicity and intuitiveness do not equate to a less functionally powerful wallet. Ting is thoughtfully designed with useful features that allow you to effortlessly control and manage your account and spending.
Full control of your Ting card can be done with a few simple taps in the app. Easily set spending and ATM withdrawal limits, or switch off online and magnetic stripe transactions for better security.
Think you lost your card? No problem, you can temporarily lock it with just one tap, then simply re-activate it again when you find it. Say goodbye to long-winded phone calls just to cancel and having to re-order a new card (or worse, to find your card again after your cancelation call... 🤦).
Many more great things to come
It is an incredible feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction to see our product in users' hands and doubly so when we received feedback that our creation added value to your daily life. Your experience with Ting is the most important thing to us and we are constantly improving our product based on your comments and feedback.
From coming up with new ideas to iterating on the layout of each screen, or the color of each button, no detail is too small to overlook, and we can't wait to share with you all the new and exciting features we have planned for the future.